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Our Full Spectrum CBD (Cannabis) Oil in Virgin Hemp Oil contains all the goodness of full spectrum CBD oil from full plant extract with the added boost of CBD distillate. This means all the minor cannabinoids including but not limited to CBG, CBDa, CBC are contained within the solution. The Oil has a nutty, savoury taste and is obtained from legally grown EU approved hemp plants, cultivated without harmful chemicals, pesticides or herbicides, meaning it is 100% natural.

Supercritical CO2 extracted CBD oil from full spectrum whole plant is processed from carefully selected industrial hemp and blended with virgin hemp oil. Additional pure CBD distillate is then added to create a pure high strength organic CBD oil. This allows high strength CBD users to benefit from the entourage effect of all the cannabinoids and other plant essences working together, which research suggests may enhance the overall effect. The antioxidant and high omega 5 properties of organic virgin hemp oil, pressed from the seeds of sativa L, make it the perfect carrier oil for CBD boosted cannabis oil.

As industrial hemp is ultra-low in THC, the full spectrum CBD oil it produces is well within CBD oil legal UK limits, containing only an almost undetectable trace of less than 0.01% THC that passes driving and work’s testing limits. However, for customers who prefer to be assured of zero THC content in their CBD oil, we have our RAW CBD Oil range based on Full Spectrum Oil. This is placed through an additional filtering process which removes any residual THC traces resulting in THC free CBD oil. It is perfect form the very few people who could be sensitive to the tiny trace amounts of THC or if those whose works testing for drugs is ultra-sensitive and need to be certain of a zero result. Even though our Full Spectrum range contains tiny amounts of THC these are below the legal limits for use and driving and do not show up on regular testing equipment.

Ingredients: Virgin Hemp Oil, CBD full spectrum extract from Cannabis sativa L.

Dosage: Simply leave a few drops under the tongue for 1 minute to enjoy the benefits of CBD. This method ensures the product enters your system in the quickest possible way through the blood-rich membranes.

Storage: Keep in cool, dry place, out of sunlight. We recommend that you shake thoroughly before every use.

Product Advisory: Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if pregnant or breast feeding. The serving size can then be increased or decreased at your preference. New users are recommended to start on a low dose and build up gradually to a standard dose. Your endogenous cannabinoids’ level will vary significantly between other individuals, meaning that not everyone will respond the same.

LAB Report: View Lab Report  Manufacturers Novel Food Application: RP438